Tasks and Reminders
Add a reminder to tasks
Guide to add reminders to a task on Periskope
This feature allows user to add reminders in order to receive timely reminders to improve productivity and response efficiency.
How to add a reminder?
Adding a reminder
While creating a task you can choose to add a reminder on following options:
- No reminder
- Due date
- before due date -
You can setup reminders for \<x\> minutes, hours, days, weeks before due date
- Custom date
- Repeat reminders
Create message task
How to setup repeat reminder?
You can choose to set repeat reminders for following options:
- No repeat
- Daily
- Weekly
- Monthly
Setup repeat reminder
Quick reminders
You can also add quick reminders by right-clicking on a task and selecting the reminder option.
Quick reminder option
Quick reminder
Reminder notifications
You will receive reminder notifications when the reminder is due.
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