Overview ℹ️

Actions are the tasks executed when the criteria are satisfied. Each action can be delayed, allowing it to be executed at a specific time.

Available Actions:

  1. Send Message - Send a message to a chat or group.
  2. Reply to message - Reply to a message.
  3. Forward Message - Forward a message to another chat.
  4. Update Flag Status - Flag a message in Periskope.
  5. Delete a message - Delete a message from a chat.
  6. Notify HTTP - Send a notification/hook to an external HTTP endpoint.
  7. Create Ticket - Create a new ticket in Periskope.
  8. Assign Ticket - Assign a ticket to a user.
  9. Close Ticket - Close a ticket in Periskope.
  10. Add Ticket Label - Add one or more labels to a ticket.
  11. Add Chat Label - Add a label to a chat.
  12. Assign Chat - Assign a chat to a user.
  13. Update a Chat Custom Property - Update a custom property of a chat.
  14. Send an email - Send an email to a user.

The available actions may vary based on the triggers selected. Not all actions are available for all triggers.

You can add multiple actions to a rule and set delays for each action.

1. Send Message Action 📩

The Send Message action allows you to send a message to a chat or group. You can customize the message content and choose the chat or group to send the message to.

Send Message Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The message content to be sent. You can add variables to personalize the message.

Example: Hello {{ chat.chat_name || '<fallback>' }}, your request has been received.

You can add variables to the message content to personalize the message. Variables are placeholders that are replaced with actual values when the message is sent and if the variable is not available, the fallback value is used. Use variables to include dynamic information in the message, such as the chat name, sender name, or ticket ID.

Maintain Flag status
dropdown (true/false)

Option to maintain the flag status of the previous messages after sending the reply.

Enable Cooldown Period
dropdown (true/false)

Whether to enable a cooldown period after sending the message. You can set a cooldown period to prevent sending multiple messages in quick succession.

Cooldown Period
<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The duration of the cooldown period. You can specify the period in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

2. Reply to Message Action 📩

The Reply to Message action allows you to reply to a message. You can customize the reply content and choose the message to reply to.

Reply to Message Action

Difference between Send Message and Reply to Message

The Send Message action sends a new message to a chat or group, while the Reply to Message action replies to a specific message in the chat by quoting it.

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The reply content to be sent. You can add variables to personalize the reply.

Example: Hello {{ message.sender_name || '<fallback>' }}, your request has been received.

You can add variables to the reply content to personalize the reply. Variables are placeholders that are replaced with actual values when the reply is sent and if the variable is not available, the fallback value is used. Use variables to include dynamic information in the reply, such as the sender name or message content.

Maintain Flag status
dropdown (true/false)

Option to maintain the flag status of the previous messages after sending the reply.

Enable Cooldown Period
dropdown (true/false)

Whether to enable a cooldown period after sending the reply. You can set a cooldown period to prevent sending multiple replies in quick succession.

Cooldown Period
<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The duration of the cooldown period. You can specify the period in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

3. Forward Message Action 📩⏩

The Forward Message action allows you to forward a message to another chat.

Forward Message Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The chat or group to forward the message to.

4. Update Flag Status Action 🚩

The Update Flag Status action allows you to flag or unflag a message in Periskope.

Update Flag Status Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

Flag Status
dropdown (true/false)

The flag status to set for the message. You can choose to flag or unflag the message.

5. Delete Message Action 🗑️

The Delete Message action allows you to delete a message from a chat.

Delete Message Action

This action is irreversible. Once a message is deleted, it cannot be recovered.

You can only delete messages if you have the necessary permissions.

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

6. Notify HTTP Action 🌐

The Notify HTTP action allows you to send a notification/hook to an external HTTP endpoint.

Notify HTTP Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The POST / URL of the external HTTP endpoint to send the notification to.

7. Create Ticket Action 🎫

The Create Ticket action allows you to create a new ticket in Periskope.

Create Ticket Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The user to assign the ticket to.


The priority level of the ticket. You can choose from Low, Medium, High, or Urgent.


The labels to add to the ticket. You can add multiple labels by selecting from the dropdown.

8. Assign Ticket Action 🎫👤

The Assign Ticket action allows you to assign a ticket to a user.

Assign Ticket Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

Enable Round Robin
dropdown (true/false)

Whether to assign the ticket using the round-robin method. You can enable round-robin assignment to distribute tickets evenly among users.

Round-robin assignment assigns tickets to users in a circular order. Each user receives a ticket in turn, ensuring an even distribution of tickets among users.


The user to assign the ticket to.

If round-robin assignment is enabled, you can select multiple users to assign tickets to.

9. Close Ticket Action 🎫❌

The Close Ticket action allows you to close a ticket in Periskope.

Close Ticket Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

Closing Note

The note to add when closing the ticket.

Example: Ticket has been resolved.

10. Add Ticket Label Action 🏷️

The Add Ticket Label action allows you to add one or multiple label to a ticket.

Add Ticket Label Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The labels to add to the ticket. You can add multiple labels by selecting from the dropdown.

11. Add Chat Label Action 🏷️

The Add Chat Label action allows you to add a label to a chat.

Add Chat Label Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The labels to add to the chat. You can add multiple labels by selecting from the dropdown.

12. Assign Chat Action 💬👤

The Assign Chat action allows you to assign a chat to a user.

Assign Chat Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.

Round Robin
dropdown (true/false)

Whether to assign the chat using the round-robin method. You can enable round-robin assignment to distribute chats evenly among users.

Round-robin assignment assigns chats to users in a circular order. Each user receives a chat in turn, ensuring an even distribution of chats among users.


The user to assign the chat to.

If round-robin assignment is enabled, you can select multiple users to assign chats to.

13. Update Chat Custom Property Action 📃

The Update Chat Custom Property action allows you to update a custom property of a chat.

Update Chat Custom Property Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The custom property to update. You can choose from the available custom properties.


The new value to set for the custom property.

If the custom property is of type dropdown, you can select the option from the dropdown. If the custom property is of type text, you can enter the text value. If the custom property is of type date, you can select the date value from the calendar.

Update Chat Custom Property Action

14. Send Email Action 📧

The Send Email action allows you to send an email notification to any email address.

Send Email Action

Action Inputs

<number> <seconds/minutes/hours/days>

The delay before executing the action. You can specify the delay in seconds, minutes, hours, or days.


The email address to send the email to.


The subject of the email. You can add variables to personalize the subject.

Example: New ticket created: {{ ticket.ticket_id || '<fallback>' }}

You can add variables to the reply content to personalize the reply. Variables are placeholders that are replaced with actual values when the reply is sent and if the variable is not available, the fallback value is used. Use variables to include dynamic information in the reply, such as the sender name or message content.


The email content to be sent. You can add variables to personalize the email.

Example: Hello, new ticket {{ ticket.ticket_id || '<fallback>' }} has been assigned to you.

You can add variables to the reply content to personalize the reply. Variables are placeholders that are replaced with actual values when the reply is sent and if the variable is not available, the fallback value is used. Use variables to include dynamic information in the reply, such as the sender name or message content.