The Message Object
The message object represents a message sent or receive on WhatsApp.
Unique identifier for the organization.
Unique identifier for the chat.
Unique identifier for the message.
Acknowledgement status of the message.
The author of the message.
The message body. Represents caption for media messages.
Indicates if the message is a broadcast message.
Type of device used to send the message.
Duration of the message.
Score of the times message has been forwarded.
The sender of the message.
Indicates if the message was sent by the organization phone.
Indicates if the message has media.
Indicates if the message is a reply message and has a quoted message.
Indicates if the message has a reaction.
Invite for the chat.
Indicates if the message is ephemeral.
Indicates if the message is forwarded.
Indicates if the message is a GIF.
Indicates if the message is starred.
Indicates if the message is a status message.
Array of links present in the message.
Location details of the message.
Key for the media.
Array of mentioned user IDs in message.
Order ID for the message. Applicable for business chats with order details.
Raw data of the message.
The recipient chat of the message.
Token for the message.
Type of the message. Possible values - chat
| image
| video
| audio
| ptt
Array of vCards present in the message.
Each vCard is a string.
Example: ["BEGIN:VCARD\nVERSION:3.0\nFN:John Doe\nTEL:1234567890\nEND:VCARD"]
Timestamp of the message.
Phone number of the organization.
Unique identifier for the broadcast message.
Indicates if the message is deleted.
Media details of the message.
The user who performed the action. Only applicable for messages sent from periskope.
The previous body of the message. Only applicable for edited messages.
Unique identifier for the quoted message. Quoted message is the message current message is being replied to.
Unique identifier for sender phone.
Unique identifier for the sent message. Only applicable if message is sent from Periskope.
Delivery information of the message.
Timestamp when the message was last updated.
Unique identifier for the ticket raised on the message. Only applicable for tickets raised on messages in Periskope.
Unique identifier for the message.
Array of reaction objects
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