Group Settings APIs
Update Group Settings
This endpoint updates the settings of the group
Bearer authentication header of the form Bearer <token>
, where <token>
is your auth token.
Please provide the number of the phone you want to call with this API in the header. The number must be in country code + number format without any characters or spaces, e.g. 919876543210; Alternatively, provide the phone_id (phone-xxxxxxxxxxxx) in the header
Path Parameters
- Updates the name of the group
- Updates the group description
- A public image URL to update the group image
- When set to true, only admins can edit group description or info
- Default false
- When set to true, only admins can add other participants to the group
- Default true
- When set to true, only admins can send messages to the group.
- Default false
200 - application/json
The response is a chat object for the updated group. Refer to the chat object here
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