
Create custom properties like name, email, notes, inoice dates etc to categorise and manage your WhatsApp groups and chats

Creating a custom property

You can create a custom property for any chat by clicking on the “add new custom property” button on the right hand panel of the chat. You can add as many custom properties as you would like. Please note that once a custom property is created, it will show up for all chats.


Types of custom properties


Dropdown properties allow you to create and pick from pre defined lists e.g., deal status, accoun size etc


Text properties allow you to store any text value e.g., notes, invoice numbers etc


Date properties allow you to store any date value e.g., invoice dates, delivery dates etc

Managing custom properties

You can view and edit all existing labels by navigating to settings > custom propoerties . Simply click on a custom property to either edit or delete the same